Mentor's in life

Amanda Legler CFP

Team Planner and Business Coordinator, Legacy Practice Managment

  Purdue Graduate

LinkedIn Amanda Legler

"Francois was an excellent student while at Purdue University. Not only did Francois excel academically in his classes, but he also was always eager to go above and beyond to learn about the financial industry. Taking the time to listen to podcasts about finance, research about current financial events, and speak with those in the industry are all ways that Francois engaged himself in his studies. I would recommend Francois for any position requiring a talented individual who is knowledgeable and willing to learn. I can tell that he will be successful in all aspects of his life, based off of knowing him from Purdue University and from knowing his personal attributes."

Dr. David A. Evans

Family Resource Management Extension Specialist, Purdue University

Coauthor to publications in Journal of Economic Issue, and Journal of Financial Service Pros

-Predictors of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Completion Rates

-Hey buddy how do you have the correct time (horizon)?

LinkedIn David A. Evans, PhD

"Francois was the best kind of student, the one that cares about their education. His questions in class were sincere, his work was never second best. He visited me during office hours and even made appointments outside of office hours to clear up any confusion from a previous lecture, quiz or homework assignment. Outstanding student!"

Jim Priest

Director of Sales and Corporate Relations at Purdue Alumni Association

LinkedIn Jim Preist  

"Francois was an intelligent, reliable and dedicated staff member. He worked hard to improve and cared about the work that he did for the organization and his clients. He was someone we counted on to produce results and he performed well on the job. Francois has a bright future and I can envision him being successful in a number of industries because he displayed his ability to adapt quickly. I highly recommend Francois and am happy to discuss his performance in more detail."